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Ragnarok online knight leveling guide

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      ชุมชน Steam: Ragnarok. An iRO renewal leveling guide / speedrun. Leveling a Knight from 1-99 in an hour. Gears are visible in the video.Two hand Agi knight/lord knight guide And supernovice guide By nike(matrix dragon) For ragnarok online
      Leveling spots ; Magma dungeon, the holy grail of zeny makers. Once you have your area damage skill(bowling, brandish) you can transfer here. Be sure you can mob
      Knight leveling guide ragnarok classic. Revo-Classic Knight Guide The Knight class is the primary second job for the Swordman class.
      Louyang Field or dungeon 1, Turtle Dungeon Field and TD 1, Petites, Ninetails are still decent (payon 5). If you hit up Louyang, you can do Dungeon level 1
      Introduction · Job level 10 for Novice/High Novice. · Job level 50 for 1st Classes/Transcendent 1st Classes. · Base level 99 and Job level 50 for 2nd Classes.
      Lord Knight Leveling Guide 1 Enough Agi To Dodge Many Types Of monster (but not All). High Damage and more attack speed makes faster Killing Rate. Optional

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